Cheaty na Pokémon Crystal 
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Tyto cheaty jsou známy pod názvem Gameshark Codes.

Random Codes

Heres some handy codes

Buy Items at mart:


Replace xx with one of these codes (still getting more)

01 - Master Ball
02 - Ultra Ball
03 - Bright Powder
04 - Great Ball
05 - Poke Ball
06 - N/A
07 - Bicycle
08 - Moon Stone
09 - Antidote
0A - Burn heal
0B - Ice heal
0C - Awakening
0D - Paralyze heal
0E - Full Restore
0F - Max Potion
10 - Hyper Potion
11 - Super Potion
12 - Potion
13 - Escape Rope
14 - Repel
15 - Max Ether
16 - Fire Stone
17 - Thunder Stone
18 - Water Stone
19 - N/A
1A - HP Up
1B - Protein
1C - Iron
1D - Carbos
1E - Lucky Punch
1F - Calcium
20 - Rare Candy
21 - X Accuracy
22 - Leaf Stone
23 - Metal Powder
24 - Nugget
25 - PokeDoll
26 - Full Heal
27 - Revive
28 - Max Revive
29 - Guard Spec.
2A - Super Repel
2B - Max Repel
2C - Dire Hit
2D - N/A
2E - Fresh Water
2F - Soda Pop
30 - Lemonade
31 - X - Attack
32 - N/A
33 - X - Defend
34 - X - Speed
35 - X - Special
36 - Coin Case
37 - Item Finder
38 - N/A
39 - Exp. Share
3A - Old Rod
3B - Good Rod
3C - Silver Leaf
3D - Super Rod
3E - PP UP
3F - Ether
40 - Max Ether
41 - Elixer
42 - Red Scale
43 - Secret Potion
44 - S.S.Aqua Ticket
45 - Mystery Egg
46 - N/A
47 - Silver Wing
48 - MooMoo Milk
49 - Quick Claw
4A - Poison Cure Berry
4B - Gold Leaf
4C - Soft Sand
4D - Sharp Beak
4E - Paralyze Cure Berry
4F - Burnt Berry
50 - Ice Berry
51 - Poison Barb
52 - King's Rock
53 - Bitter Berry
54 - Mint Berry
55 - Red Apricorn
56 - Tiny Mushroom
57 - Big Mushroom
58 - Silver Powder
59 - Blue Apricorn
5A - N/A
5B - Amulet Coin
5C - Yellow Apricorn
5D - Green Apricorn
5E - Cleanse Tag
5F - Mystic Water
60 - Twisted Spoon
61 - White Apricorn
62 - Black Belt
63 - Black Apricorn
64 - N/A
65 - Pink Apricorn
66 - Black Glasses
67 - Slowpoke Tail
68 - Pink Bow
69 - Stick
6A - Smoke Ball
6B - Never - Melt Ice
6C - Magnet
6D - Miracle Berry
6E - Pearl
6F - Big Pearl
70 - EverStone
71 - Spell Tag
72 - Rage Candy Bar
73 - N/A
74 - N/A
75 - Miracle seed
76 - Thick Club
77 - Focus Band
78 - N/A
79 - Energy Powder
7A - Energy Root
7B - Heal Powder
7C - Revival Herb
7D - Hard Stone
7E - Lucky Egg
7F - Card Key
80 - Machine Part
81 - N/A
82 - Lost Item
83 - Star Dust
84 - Star Piece
85 - Basement key
86 - Pass
87 - N/A
88 - N/A
89 - N/A
8A - Charcoal
8B - Berry Juice
8C - Scope Lens
8D - N/A
8E - N/A
8F - Metal Coat
90 - Dragon Fang
91 - N/A
92 - LeftOvers
93 - N/A
94 - N/A
95 - N/A
96 - Mystery Berry
97 - Dragon scale
98 - Berserk Gene
99 - N/A
9A - N/A
9B - N/A
9C - Sacred Ash
9D - Heavy Ball
9E - Flower Mail
9F - Level Ball
A0 - Lure Ball
A1 - Fast Ball
A2 - N/A
A3 - Light Ball
A4 - Friend Ball
A5 - Moon Ball
A6 - Love Ball
A7 - Normal Box
A8 - Gorgeous Box
A9 - Sun Stone
AA - Polkadot Bow
AB - N/A
AC - Up - Grade
AD - Berry
AE - Gold Berry
AF - Squirt Bottle
B0 - N/A
B1 - Park Ball
B2 - Rainbow Wing
B3 - N/A
B4 - Brick Piece
B5 - Surf Mail
B6 - Lite Blue Mail
B7 - Portrait Mail
B8 - Lovely Mail
B9 - Eon Mail
BA - Morph Mail
BB - Blue Sky Mail
BC - Music Mail
BD - Mirage Mail
BE - N/A
BF - TM 1 - Dynamic Punch
C0 - TM 2 - Headbutt
C1 - TM 3 - Curse
C2 - TM 4 - Rollout
C3 - TM 4 - Rollout (not a typo. It shows up twice.)
C4 - TM 5 - Roar
C5 - TM 6 - Toxic
C6 - TM 7 - Zap Cannon
C7 - TM 8 - Rock Smash
C8 - TM 9 - Psych Up
C9 - TM 10 - Hidden Power
CA - TM 11 - Sunny Day
CB - TM 12 - Sweet Scent
CC - TM 13 - Snore
CD - TM 14 - Blizzard
CE - TM 15 - Hyper Beam
CF - TM 16 - Icy Wind
D0 - TM 17 - Protect
D1 - TM 18 - Rain Dance
D2 - TM 19 - Giga Drain
D3 - TM 20 - Endure
D4 - TM 21 - Frustration
D5 - TM 22 - Solar Beam
D6 - TM 23 - Iron Tail
D7 - TM 24 - Dragon Breath
D8 - TM 25 - Thunder
D9 - TM 26 - Earthquake
DA - TM 27 - Return
DB - TM 28 - Dig
DC - TM 28 - Dig (not a typo. It shows up twice.)
DD - TM 29 - Psychic
DE - TM 30 - Shadow Ball
DF - TM 31 - Mud - Slap
E0 - TM 32 - Double Team
E1 - TM 33 - Ice Punch
E2 - TM 34 - Swagger
E3 - TM 35 - Sleep Talk
E4 - TM 36 - Sludge Bomb
E5 - TM 37 - Sand Storm
E6 - TM 38 - Fire Blast
E7 - TM 39 - Swift
E8 - TM 40 - Defense Curl
E9 - TM 41 - Thunder Punch
EA - TM 42 - Dream Eater
EB - TM 43 - Detect
EC - TM 44 - Rest
ED - TM 45 - Attract
EE - TM 46 - Thief
EF - TM 47 - Steel Wing
F0 - TM 48 - Fire Punch
F1 - TM 49 - Fury Cutter
F2 - TM 50 - Nightmare
F3 - HM 1 - Cut
F4 - HM 2 - Fly
F5 - HM 3 - Surf
F6 - HM 4 - Strength
F7 - HM 5 - Flash
F8 - HM 6 - Whirlpool
F9 - HM 7 - Waterfall
FF - Nothing

Full Pokedex




Items in pc:


Same as Shop one, replace xx with an item code

Sprite Codes. ( I have no success in this, but I'm looking for some working ones)

01xx2FD7 or 91xx2FD7 (replace xx with code)

00 - Boy Trainer
01 - Girl Trainer
02 - Boy on Bike
03 - Girl on Bike
05 - Professor Oak
06 - Ash
07 - Gary
10 - Professor Elm
1F - Lt. Surge
21 - Koga
3C - Scientist
0B - Kurt
16 - Chuck
19 - Clair
37 - Nurse Joy
35 - Team Rocket Member
36 - Female Team Rocket Member
0F - Gary's Sister
0C - Your Mom
F6 - Rival
1A - Brock
1D - Misty
F4 - Twin
F5 - Swimmer
3B - Fisherman
1C – Bruno

Helpfull Things

These should help you during your game : )

Move Modyfier - This will change the moves of the pokémon who is first in your party.
Move slot one - 01xxE1DC
Move slot two - 01xxE2DC
Move slot three - 01xxD3DC
Move slot four - 01xxD4DC

Here are a few moves and there codes (put instead of the xx)
Aeroblast - B1
Hydro Pump - 38
Flamethrower - 35
Perish Song - C3
Spark - D1
Thunder - 57
Thunder Punch - 09

Items sold at Pokémarts that they don't sell, (again replace the xx with the code)
MasterBall - 01
Fire Stone - 16
Thunder Stone - 17
Water Stone - 18
Leaf Stone - 22
Rare Candy - 20
Nugget - 24
The code for these is 91xxF2D0

Masterballs in slot one of your ball pocket

Fight Level Pokemon

91xx13D2 (Replace the xx with the one of the codes below)

0A - 10
14 - 20
1E - 30
28 - 40
32 - 50
3C - 60
46 - 70
50 - 80
5A - 90
64 - 100
96 - 150

Fight Any Pokemon
Gold & Silver - 01xxEDD0
Crystal - 91xx04D2

Replace xx with:

01: Bulbasaur
02: Ivysaur
03: Venusaur
04: Charmander
05: Charmeleon
06: Charizard
07: Squirtle
08: Wartortle
09: Blastoise
0A: Caterpie
0B: Metapod
0C: Butterfree
0D: Weedle
0E: Kakuna
0F: Beedrill
10: Pidgey
11: Pidgeotto
12: Pidgeot
13: Rattata
14: Raticate
15: Spearow
16: Fearow
17: Ekans
18: Arbok
19: Pikachu
1A: Raichu
1B: Sandshrew
1C: Sandslash
1D: Nidoran Female
1E: Nidorina
1F: Nidoqueen
20: Nidoran Male
21: Nidorino
22: nidoking
23: Clefairy
24: Clefable
25: Vulpix
26: Ninetails
27: Jigglypuff
28: Wigglytuff
29: Zubat
2A: Golbat
2B: Oddish
2C: Gloom
2D: Vileplume
2E: Paras
2F: Parasect
30: Venonat
31: Venomoth
32: Diglett
33: Dugtrio
34: Meowth
35: Persian
36: Psyduck
37: Golduck
38: Mankey
39: Primeape
3A: Growlithe
3B: Arcanine
3C: Poliwag
3D: Poliwhirl
3E: Poliwrath
3F: Abra
40: Kadabra
41: Alakazam
42: Machop
43: Machoke
44: Machamp
45: Bellsprout
46: Weepinbell
47: Victreebell
48: Tentacool
49: Tentacruel
4A: Geodude
4B: Graveler
4C: Golem
4D: Ponyta
4E: Rapidash
4F: Slowpoke
50: Slowbro
51: Magnemite
52: Magneton
53: Farfetch’d
54: Doduo
55: Dodrio
56: Seel
57: Dewgong
58: Grimer
59: Muk
5A: Shellder
5B: Cloyster
5C: Gastly
5D: Haunter
5E: Gengar
5F: Onix
60: Drowzee
61: Hypno
62: Krabby
63: Kingler
64: Voltorb
65: Electrode
66: Exeggcute
67: Exeggcutor
68: Cubone
69: Marowak
6A: Hitmonlee
6B: Hitmonchan
6C: Lickitung
6D: Koffing
6E: Weezing
6F: Rhyhorn
70: Rhydon
71: Chansey
72: Tangela
73: Kangaskhan
74: Horsea
75: Seadra
76: Goldeen
77: Seaking
78: Staryu
79: Starmie
7A: Mr. Mime
7B: Scyther
7C: Jynx
7D: Electabuzz
7E: Magmar
7F: Pinsir
80: Tauros
81: Magikarp
82: Gyarados
83: Lapras
84: Ditto
85: Eevee
86: Vaporeon
87: Jolteon
88: Flareon
89: Porygon
8A: Omanyte
8B: Omastar
8C: Kabuto
8D: Kabutops
8E: Aerodactyl
8F: Snorlax
90: Articuno
91: Zapdos
92: Moltres
93: Dratini
94: Dragonair
95: Dragonite
96: Mewtwo
97: Mew
98: Chikorita
99: Bayleef
9A: Meganium
9B: Cyndaquil
9C: Quilava
9D: Typhlosion
9E: Totodile
9F: Croconaw
A0: Feraligatr
A1: Sentret
A2: Furret
A3: Hoothoot
A4: Noctowl
A5: Ledyba
A6: Ledian
A7: Spinarak
A8: Ariados
A9: Crobat
AA: Chinchou
AB: Lanturn
AC: Pichu
AD: Cleffa
AE: Igglybuff
AF: Togepi
B0: Togetic
B1: Natu
B2: Xatu
B3: Mareep
B4: Flaaffy
B5: Ampharos
B6: Bellossom
B7: Marill
B8: Azumaril
B9: Sudowoodo
BA: Politoed
BB: Hoppip
BC: Skiploom
BD: Jumpluff
BE: Aipom
BF: Sunkern
C0: Sunflora
C1: Yanma
C2: Wooper
C3: Quagsire
C4: Espeon
C5: Umbreon
C6: Murkrow
C7: Slowking
C8: Misdreavus
C9: Unown (can show up in any form)
CA: Wobbuffet
CB: Girafarig
CC: Pineco
CD: Forretress
CE: Dunsparce
CF: Gligar
D0: Steelix
D1: Snubbull
D2: Granbull
D3: Qwilfish
D4: Scizor
D5: Shuckle
D6: Heracross
D7: Sneasel
D8: Teddiursa
D9: Ursaring
DA: Slugma
DB: Magcargo
DC: Swinub
DD: Piloswine
DE: Corsola
DF: Remoraid
E0: Octillery
E1: Delibird
E2: Mantine
E3: Skarmory
E4: Houndour
E5: Houndoom
E6: Kingdra
E7: Phanpy
E8: Donphan
E9: Porygon2
EA: Stantler
EB: Smeargle
EC: Tyrogue
ED: Hitmontop
EE: Smoochum
EF: Elekid
F0: Magby
F1: Miltank
F2: Blissey
F3: Raikou
F4: Entei
F5: Suicune
F6: Larvitar
F7: Pupitar
F8: Tyranitar
F9: Lugia
FA: Ho-oh
FB: Celebi
FD: Egg (If you try to hatch it, you’ll always find an egg containing another)

Level xx All Pokemon You Fight
Gold & Silver - 01xxFCD0
Crystal - 91xx13D2

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Pro přidání zprávy do shoutboxu, musíte být přihlášeni.

10/07/2018 11:19
Ano, to už je vyřešeno :-) Děkuji za upozornění.

18/04/2018 22:36
Emulator Citra uz podporuje 3ds pokemon hry ak by mal niekto zaujem hravat

08/04/2018 12:44
AGOA už nefunguje, vše bylo přesunuto na

26/02/2018 22:00
Ahoj, titulky jsou k dispozici tady: http://agoa.super.

21/02/2018 21:36
Ahoj zháňam titulky sa 7-9 seriu. Na starom AroA webe vraj boli ale neviem sa k tomu dostať.

13/07/2017 23:58
Ahoj, zkus sem dát link na seznam těch dílů. Zkusím se podívat :-))

10/07/2017 22:05
ahoj,chtěl bych se zeptat,zda jde někomu pustit nějaké video od pethera na čeknnito. Sjíždím opět díly po internetu a u něj mi vůbec nejdou :/díky

09/07/2017 04:48
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25/03/2017 11:30
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30/01/2017 15:26
Tak, udělal jsem nový návrh designu webu. Kdo by měl zájem se na něj kouknout, tak mi napište soukromou zprávu. :-)